Filling up a matrix

2 views (last 30 days)
Royvg94 on 28 Sep 2015
Commented: Walter Roberson on 29 Sep 2015
I have an array of 69 x 1 cells. Every cell contains a matrix of either 12 x 1 or 13 x 1. I want Matlab to make a matrix of 13 x 69 and filling up the empty spaces of the 12 x 1 matrices by adding zero's.
Is this possible?
Thanks for the help!

Answers (2)

James Tursa
James Tursa on 28 Sep 2015
How about a simple loop:
result = zeros(13,69);
for k=1:69
n = numel(mycellarray{k});
result(1:n,k) = mycellarray{k};
  1 Comment
Royvg94 on 29 Sep 2015
The output of this is a matrix with only zero's. I need the results from all matrices in the array, and the matrices with only 12 rows, need to be filled to 13 by adding a zero.

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Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 29 Sep 2015
first13 = @(V) V(1:13);
result = cell2mat( cellfun(@(V) first13([V;0]), YourCellArray, 'Uniform', 0) );
If the cells can be variable size all the way from empty to 13, then use
Royvg94 on 29 Sep 2015
I think this is what i need, the only problem is that the output is in 1 column, and i need it to be 13 x 69...
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 29 Sep 2015
result = cell2mat( cellfun(@(V) first13([V;0]), YourCellArray, 'Uniform', 0).' );

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