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I am newbei matlab coder. i want to put a limit range in gui edit text and also want to update this value in simulink model i dit it but the value didn't update when i enter the value in edit text????? Any help is appreaciable....

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input = str2num(get(hObject,'String'));
if (isempty(input))
warndlg('Input must be numerical');
x = get(hObject,'String'); % get text from handles structure
y = x{1}; % cell to string
z = str2num(strtok(y)); % string to number
z = str2num(strtok(x)); % string to number
lower_limit = 1;
upper_limit = 2000;
%Output equals value of z if z falls between the bounds set by lower_limit
%and upper_limit. Otherwise it is 0 or an empty array
output = z*(z < upper_limit)*(z > lower_limit);
%If z does not fall within the bounds set by the limit parameters or is an
%empty array
if isempty(output) | (~output)
%Set the output value to the limit value closest to z
output = lower_limit*(z < lower_limit) + upper_limit*(z > upper_limit);
%If there is no value in z, set the output value to the lower limit of
%the desired bounds
if isempty(output)
output = lower_limit;
%Create a message string and initiate a message box informing the user
%to enter a value within the limits of the defined range
str = sprintf('Enter a number between %d and %d', lower_limit, upper_limit);
%Set the value of the text box to the new value, which lies within the
%value range
%put the value to text
%Update SIM model
set_param('DCDCconverter/Enabled Subsystem/period','value',num2str(val));
set_param('DCDCconverter/Enabled Subsystem1/period1','value',num2str(val));
set_param('DCDCconverter/Enabled Subsystem2/period2','value',num2str(val));
set_param('DCDCconverter/Enabled Subsystem3/period','value',num2str(val));

Accepted Answer

Dennie on 16 Oct 2015
str = get(hObject,'String');
newValue = str2double(str);
% Do the change if it's valid
if ~isnan(newValue)&& newValue>=-40 && newValue<=95
% poke the new value into the model
assignin('base','name',newValue) % assign in matlab workspace
% throw up an error dialog
estr = sprintf('%s is an invalid value for ... Only values allowed between -40 and 95. value is set to default (23).',str);
errordlg(estr,'Parameter Error','modal');
% reset the edit box to the old value
This contains everything you want to know I believe. First you extract the value, then you check for validity, if it is valid you assign the value where you want ( assignin() for matlab workspace and setparam() for Simulink)
If the value is not valid, you notify the user using an error dialog and reset the value to a default.
Best regards, Dennie
Dennie on 19 Oct 2015
I'm not sure what you mean. However, this is the code for enabling/disabling buttons in the GUI
set(handles.<tag_of_button>,'Enable','On') % to enable
set(handles.<tag_of_button>,'Enable','Off') % to disable
This works for basically every property of gui items
Mohammad Abu Bakar Siddique
Edited: Mohammad Abu Bakar Siddique on 20 Oct 2015
HI Thanks a lot again i use this code and it works finely.and one more thing how could I update a edit text value in simulink model after pushing a pushbutton??? i can update this in manually but is it possible to do with a pushbutton ....after when i push a push button then edit text value autometically updated to the simulink model.....thanks in advance
function edit_topo_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
set(0,'ShowHiddenHandles','on'); handles=guidata(hObject); val=get(hObject,'string'); %put the value to text set(handles.edit_topo,'string',num2str(val));
%Update SIM model set_param('DCDCconverter/Constant','value',num2str(val));
% --- Executes on button press in pushbutton_select. function pushbutton_select_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to pushbutton_select (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
here is the code what i use

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