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Compare values of array of matrix 5x5x106

1 view (last 30 days)
I have a array of logical matrix 5x5x106 (attached file): I want to compare every logical matrix with the others to find common elements end save them. I try this code:
for k=1:106
if valueNoZeros(:,:,k)==valueNoZeros(:,:,k+1)
and also this
for k=1:106
if valueNoZeros(:,:,k)==valueNoZeros(:,:,k+1)
for i=1:5
for j=1:5
but it gives me an error: 'Conversion to cell from double is not possible'
Can you help me?

Accepted Answer

Thorsten on 20 Nov 2015
Edited: Thorsten on 20 Nov 2015
If you want to compare every matrix with each other, you have 5565 pairs to compare:
Npairs = nchoosek(1:106,2);
N = size(Npairs, 1);
A = zeros(5,5,N);
for i = 1:N
A(:,:,i) = valueNoZeros(:,:,Npairs(i,1)) == valueNoZeros(:,:,Npairs(i,2));
If you just want to compare a matrix with the following matrix, you have 105 comparisons:
N = 106 - 1;
for i = 1:N
A(:,:,i) = valueNoZeros(:,:,i) == valueNoZeros(:,:,i+1);
pamela sulis
pamela sulis on 20 Nov 2015
Edited: pamela sulis on 20 Nov 2015
I have a doubt: I want to compare only the values '1' and not the '0', I modify your code in this way:
Npairs = nchoosek(1:106,2);
N = size(Npairs, 1);
A = zeros(5,5,N);
for i = 1:N
if (valueNoZeros~=0)
A(:,:,i) = valueNoZeros(:,:,Npairs(i,1)) == valueNoZeros(:,:,Npairs(i,2));
but now the comparison give me matrix of all zeros: isn't correct the command 'if (valueNoZeros~=0)'? I have thought that with this command, the code doesn't consider values '0' but only the '1'.
Thorsten on 20 Nov 2015
Edited: Thorsten on 20 Nov 2015
valueNoZeros~=0 gives an 5x5x106 logical array that is logical 1 if valueNoZeros is one (valueNoZeros~=0) else 0. So this is just the same as valueNoZeros! Moreover, it is a whole array, which is only true if all elements are true; in the example, it is never true...
So if you want A to be 1 if there is a one in two matrices, use
A(:,:,i) = valueNoZeros(:,:,Npairs(i,1)) & valueNoZeros(:,:,Npairs(i,2));

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