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Is there a way to detect embedded matlab function inside a subsystem in a complex simulink model?

1 view (last 30 days)
I couldn't run a simulink model on a cluster due to presence of a embedded matlab function in one of the subsystems . Is there a way i can detect and locate the embedded matlab function without going through each of the subsystem as i have close to 1000+ subsystems.

Answers (1)

Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang on 15 Feb 2016
In Command Window, run this command
Blocks=find_system(YourRootLevelModel,'FollowLinks','On','LookUnderMasks','All','MaskDescription','Embedded MATLAB block');
In Simulink, you can do it interactively, Select menu Edit->Find... then Select the Advanced tab
Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang on 21 Apr 2016
I don't have R2013a installed. I checked R2014b. It is called "MATLAB function" by default. It is not a masked subsystem.
To find the "MATLAB function" block, you need to use the Stateflow API as it is a Stateflow object. Please refer to this answer.

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