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Display pairs of random images from a file

2 views (last 30 days)
Ryan on 25 Jan 2012
I am new to MATLAB, so I don't know exactly how to get it to do what I want.
Right now, I have a script that just randomly displays an image file from a directory. I want to change this so it randomly displays two images from that directory ... however, I want to do so in a way that every possible pairing of images will be given exactly once. So, if the pictures are:
frog cat dog mouse house
I want to get:
frog - cat frog - dog frog - mouse frog - house cat - dog cat - mouse cat - house dog - mouse dog - house mouse - house
What is the easiest way to go about doing this? Originally I was going to simply create new picture files such that each one already contains the two images I want side by side. However, there are a large number of possible pairings so it will be too time consuming to do this.
How do I do this?
(Here is my script as it is, which I know doesn't do what I want it to do:
dfiles = d(~[d.isdir]);
genRandNum = randperm(length(dfiles));
filename = dfiles(genRandNum(i)).name;
imageName = fullfile('Desktop', 'SEMREL', 'Pictures', filename);
imshow(imageName, 'Parent');

Answers (1)

David Young
David Young on 25 Jan 2012
Something based on this should work (not tested):
dfiles = d(~[d.isdir]);
N = length(dfiles);
genRandNum = randperm(N^2);
for i = 1:N^2;
[n1, n2] = ind2sub(N, genRandNum(i));
if n1 < n2
filename1 = dfiles(n1).name;
imageName1 = fullfile('Desktop', 'SEMREL', 'Pictures', filename1);
filename2 = dfiles(n2).name;
imageName2 = fullfile('Desktop', 'SEMREL', 'Pictures', filename2);
image1 = imread(imagename1);
image2 = imread(imagename2);
subplot(1,2,1); imshow(image1);
subplot(1,2,2); imshow(image2);


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