GPS Colormapping regarding for drone

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I am currently working on a project which requires coordinate mapping of a drone with respect to it's acceleration at x axis.
Here is the code ı am using to plot lat, lon, acc_x;
close all; clear all; clc;
fileID = fopen ('Test_31_03_2016_2.TXT');
formatSpec = '%s';
cac = textscan(fileID,'%fN%fE%f%f%f%f%f%s%f%f', 'Delimiter',',' );
acc_x_min = min(acc_x);
acc_x_max = max(acc_x);
meanValue = mean(acc_x);
a=colormap; bigthan = acc_x(:,1) > 340; %Pre-defined value, can be changed.
plot(lon(bigthan),lat(bigthan),'.','MarkerSize',30,'Color',[1 .7 0])
hold on
And here is my output image:
Right now i am plotting with respect to 2 acc values, the ones which are greater than 340 (orange) and below 340 (reddish color)
My question is;
I want to plot higher acc values with darker colors and lower acc values with lighter colors. It is my first time with COLOR MAPPING and it's functions so i am not pro-user.
Any kind of help is appreciated.

Accepted Answer

Chad Greene
Chad Greene on 31 Mar 2016
Hi Ugue,
Use scatter. To scale the color of dots relative to the acc_x array, all you need is
where 60 is simply the size of the dots. Add a colorbar like this:
cb = colorbar;
After you have plotted with scatter you can change the colormap to your liking using any of the built-in colormaps, for example
or you can download nicer colormaps if you want to get real fancy.

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