How to do the image matching?

1 view (last 30 days)
lingru celine
lingru celine on 7 Feb 2012
Edited: harley on 4 Oct 2013
I have cropped out individual image of the objects as shown below and require to do a template matching. I have read out on this
but could not understand. How can I apply the template matching method to my current coding? thanks
Original Image:
Processed Image:
im=rgb2gray(im); % convert to gray scale
im=im>graythresh(im)*255; % covert to binary
siz=size(im); % image dimensions
L=bwlabel(im,8); % Label the disconnected foreground regions (using 8 conned neighbourhood)
% Get the bounding box around each object
% Crop the individual objects and store them in a cell
n=max(L(:)); % number of objects
for i=1:n
% Get the bb of the i-th object and offest by 2 pixels in all
% directions
idx_x=[bb_i(1)-2 bb_i(1)+bb_i(3)+2]; % bb_i(1) read from 1st location
idx_y=[bb_i(2)-2 bb_i(2)+bb_i(4)+2];
if idx_x(1)<1, idx_x(1)=1; end
if idx_y(1)<1, idx_y(1)=1; end
if idx_x(2)>siz(2), idx_x(2)=siz(2); end
if idx_y(2)>siz(1), idx_y(2)=siz(1); end
% Crop the object and write to ObjCell
% Visualize the individual objects
for i=1:n
clear im L bb n i bb_i idx_x idx_y siz

Answers (1)

David Young
David Young on 7 Feb 2012
If you have the Image Processing Toolbox, use normxcorr2. In the documentation, "template" means your small image, and "A" is the large original image. You find the maximum of the result to get the accuracy of the match and the coordinates at which the best match occurs.
lingru celine
lingru celine on 8 Feb 2012
@David Young
thanks ,,,can i have the coding ?
lingru celine
lingru celine on 8 Feb 2012
@David Young
I have tried [normxcorr2], but seemed not work for matching? below is my code, any part need to modify?
cover = rgb2gray(imread('bus70.jpg'));
template = rgb2gray(imread('70blackA.jpg'));
[m n] = size(template);
Icorr = normxcorr2(template,cover);
[max_c, imax] = max(abs(Icorr(:)));
[yp, xp] = ind2sub(size(Icorr),imax(1));
xy = [(xp-n) (yp-m)];
figure, imshow(cover); hold on;
rectangle('position',[xy(1) xy(2) n m],...

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