how can I rotate the image ?

1 view (last 30 days)
jiji hr
jiji hr on 26 May 2016
Answered: Image Analyst on 30 May 2016
I have this function :
function spin = generate_spin_image(vertex, normal, indVertex, med)
%[vertex, faces] = read_off(namefile);
%med = computeMedianEdge(namefile);
%[normal,normalf] = compute_normal(vertex, faces);
binSize = med;
W = 25;
angleSupport = pi/2;
imageWidth = W*binSize;
p = vertex(indVertex,:);
numVertices = size(vertex,1);
%alpha = zeros(numVertices,1);
%beta = zeros(numVertices,1);
spin = zeros(W,W);
TabAlpha_1 = zeros(1,34817);
TabBeta_1 = zeros(1,34817);
for i=1:numVertices
x = vertex(i,:);
if acos(sum(normal(indVertex,:).*normal(i,:))) < angleSupport
alpha = sqrt(sum((x - p).^2) - (sum(normal(indVertex,:).*(x-p))).^2);
beta = sum(normal(indVertex,:).*(x-p));
TabAlpha_1(i) = alpha;
TabBeta_1(i) = beta;
is = floor((imageWidth/2 - beta)/binSize);
js = floor(alpha/binSize);
a = alpha/binSize - js;
b = (imageWidth/2-beta)/binSize - is;
if is >=1 && is <=(W-1) && js >=1 && js <=(W-1)
spin(is,js) = spin(is,js) + (1-a)*(1-b);
spin(is+1,js) = spin(is+1,js) + a*(1-b);
spin(is, js+1)= spin(is,js+1) + (1-a)*b;
spin(is+1,js+1) = spin(is+1,js+1) + a*b;
TabBeta_1 = TabBeta_1';
TabAlpha_1 = TabAlpha_1';
plot(TabBeta_1, TabAlpha_1, 'ro');
colormap( flipud(gray) );
In the end I plot the array that contains the projection of the 3D coordinates of a vertex in 2D coordiantes (alpha, beta), and the image spin results from the computation of alpha and beta.
The problem I have is that it gives me this:
It seems to be good but the image (grayscale) is rotated compared to the projection (plot with red points), and I want it to be the same as the plot.
I hop I explained my problem clairly. I would be grateful for any help.

Accepted Answer

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 30 May 2016
The top (line 1) of an image is at the top while for a plot it's normally at the bottom. Set the 'ydir' property of the plot to be 'reverse' and they'll both go in the same direction.
ax = gca;
ax.YDir = 'reverse';

More Answers (1)

Nut on 26 May 2016
I'm not sure but I think that the "view" function could help you:
Alternatively, if you need just a different view, maybe you can solve changing the signs of the coordinates of red points when you plot them.
jiji hr
jiji hr on 27 May 2016
It didn't works becaus if I understood very well, it is for 3D plots, and I have juste a 2D plot.
Any way I found the solution using
And thank you so much for your answer.
Nut on 30 May 2016
Ok, good idea. I thought you need to rotate the red points, not the image. I was misunderstanding, sorry.
Kind regards.

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