matlab: Command not found. Can't start MATLAB engine

6 views (last 30 days)
I trying to compile the a engdemo.cpp from g++ on Ubuntu 14.04: I installed cshell in /bin/csh and did set the
<matlabroot> is the right folder /usr/local/MATLAB...
I used following instruction to compile the engdemo.cpp:
g++ -I<matlabroot>/extern/include engdemo.cpp -lmx -leng -L<matlabroot>/bin/glnxa64 -o engdemo
It compiles correctly. But I am unable to run the code. On running, I get the error:
matlab: Command not found.
Can't start MATLAB engine
What could be reason? I checked many forums and matlab community and whatever solution mentioned in them are satisfied in my case. Could somebody please tell what went wrong?
lin box
lin box on 14 Mar 2020
can you pls explain how to solve this issue?
Jaime Sáiz de la Peña
Jaime Sáiz de la Peña on 10 Nov 2022
Did any one of you manage to solve it? Thank you very much

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