How to use solver in function

3 views (last 30 days)
Kian on 11 Feb 2012
Edited: Cedric on 8 Oct 2013
I have got a problem here.
I want to use solver within a function I m writing. To give you more details, suppose I want to write a function like:
function [a] = example
a = solve('14 = x^2')
Now the problem is how I can key in a variable instead of 14 in that solver. I mean suppose I have a variable been defined before like: d = 14, now I want to write my function as below, but it doesn't work :(
function [a] = example
d = 14
a = solve('d = x^2')
Any help?

Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 11 Feb 2012
syms x
a = solve(x^2 - d)
d = 14
a = solve(subs(sym('d = x^2'), 'd', d));
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 12 Feb 2012
If you have a number in symbolic form which does not contain any unresolved symbols, then use double() to convert it to double precision number. Otherwise use char() and print the result as a string.
Kian on 12 Feb 2012
Thank you very much Walter. Both of the problems were solved.
Thank you again.

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More Answers (1)

shoubhik chakraborty
shoubhik chakraborty on 12 Feb 2012
Walter,could you please answer my question(which is related to the question) at:

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