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Switch case

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zina ben
zina ben on 14 Feb 2012
Edited: Matt J on 13 Oct 2013
Hi, I have two methods for calculate xg
The first one is t=1:0.1:10 xg=sin(t)
The second one is t=1:0.2:10 xg=sin (t)/2
I need to write 1, I have the result of the first method and if, I write 2 I have the result of the second method
Please can used the 'Switch case' in this case, if yes can you tell me how Please, i need your help thinks in advance

Accepted Answer

Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski on 14 Feb 2012
val = 'first';
switch val
case 'first'
xg = sin(0:0.1:10);
case 'second'
xg = sin(0:0.2:10);
doc switch
  1 Comment
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 15 Feb 2012
Note the code for 'second' should divide the sin() result by 2 to match the original question.

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