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Wrong figure size in student version of MATLAB

2 views (last 30 days)
Ali on 11 Jul 2016
Commented: Ali on 11 Jul 2016
The following code generates a figure (US letter size) which is finally saved to pdf. Everything was in my desktop computer, but when I tried it in my laptop (student version), only almost 2/3 of the plot appears in the figure. Any help? Thank you.
figure('Units','centimeters','Position',[0 0 21.59 27.94],'paperunits','centimeters','PaperSize',[21.59 27.94],'PaperPosition',[1.5 1.5 21.59 27.94])
Ilja Maljutenko
Ilja Maljutenko on 11 Jul 2016
Couldn't reproduce your problem. I filled your figure with contourf(peaks(100)) and result is in attachment. Used Matlab R2015a.
Ali on 11 Jul 2016
Thanks. I solved it finally. The problem is the size of the monitor. My laptop monitor's size is less than US letter size. Therefore, it cannot locate the plot correctly. So, I divided all positions by a factor of 2 so that it was resolved.

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