I'm writing a script to process a number of CSV files generated each day and make a mat file from them. I use readtable first, but if there is an formatspec error due to some inconsistent data, readtable doesn't work. In that case, I'm using textscan to read a chunk of data, skip the bad row, and again read from the next row till I reach the end of the file.
Is there a way to replace the cells which are out of spec with NaNs and read them? These rows only have one bad cell, so I would want to retain information in the other cells if possible. I don't want to use auto-generated code for this, as I will be using this script for other files also, which have different parameters.
This is the inconsistency:
For a column of numbers, there is '3402823593150348600000000000000â…¦äŸå†ï°¸â…¦ï´´â…¦ì¬Ü…' in some rows. I want to replace it with 'NaN' or something else which is convenient to process, and read the rest of the row. I can put it in 'TreatAsEmpty', but I don't know if I'll have the same expression every time. Any help would be greatly appreciated.