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how to change the y-axis ticks into 10 base power?

86 views (last 30 days)
I want to change the y-axis ticks into 10 base power format. Actually, the y-axis is the log of any data. but i need y-axis in 10^ format. I tried it manually from figure properties settings but when I change it, it shows ^ sign but I need it in the standard format. kindly help me I will be highly thankful to you
for e.g
-70 to 10^-70
-60 to 10^-60

Answers (4)

Jan on 10 Nov 2016
Perhaps you want
H = axes;
set(H, 'YTickLabels', {'1^{-70}'})
The curly braces include the exponent in the LaTeX formatting.

KSSV on 10 Nov 2016

Michael on 10 Nov 2016
If you are taking the log of some data then plotting you could just plot the raw data on a log graph using semilogy(data).
if you dont have the raw data and only the log data you can set the y ticks and the labels to be used:
yticks([-50 -60 -70 -80 -90])
  1 Comment
Mudasir Ahmed
Mudasir Ahmed on 10 Nov 2016
Dear sir
thank you. But using semilogy command most of the data goes invisible I don't know why?

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Cecilia Fleeger
Cecilia Fleeger on 29 Nov 2018
I come across this post and find a solution. To get read of '^' in 10^3, for example is all about TickLabelInterpreter property.
xticklab = cellstr(num2str(round(-log10(xtick(:))), '10^-^%d'));


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