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What am I doing wrong when using matlab and ros?

5 views (last 30 days)
I want start roscore in terminal ubuntu and creat node in matlab. I have "Error creating the node /matlab_global_node_" when use rosinit. What am I doing wrong? Thanks
bio lim
bio lim on 26 Nov 2016
Edited: bio lim on 26 Nov 2016
Have you checked that you installed the Robotics Toolbox correctly? Can you see it in the list of the toolboxes you installed? If so, are the MATLAB and the roscore running on different platforms?
Serj Titov
Serj Titov on 29 Nov 2016
when i use command "ver" in the list of installed toolboxes is "Robotics System Toolbox". MATLAB and roscore running on the same computer. if i start "rosinit" in matlab like master - global node created correctly. But when i start "roscore" in terminal and use "rosinit" in matlab - "Error creating the node /matlab_global_node_".

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Answers (1)

bio lim
bio lim on 30 Nov 2016
When you start ROS on your terminal using roscore, check out the section:
where XXXX is your computer name.
Then on your MATLAB, try setting as follows:
setenv('ROS_MASTER_URI', 'http://XXXX:11311/');
rosinit('NodeName', '/Matlab');
Serj Titov
Serj Titov on 6 Dec 2016
I started roscore in terminal. Started MATLAB. Use in MATLAB:
and I have error "Port -1 is invalid. It needs to be positive. Check if it is correctly defined."
It my terminal with running roscore (may be it's help you):
Shubham Jena
Shubham Jena on 5 Jun 2018
run rosinit('')

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