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Plot Trendline in signal processing

1 view (last 30 days)
Julio Martín
Julio Martín on 2 Jan 2017
Commented: Julio Martín on 2 Jun 2017
Hi I'm calculating muscular activation and to determinate fatigue, I also get the median value, but I'd like to plot a trendline to that median value. ¿How can I do?, and if possible hpw to calculate max and min value Thanks
José-Luis on 2 Jan 2017
What's a trendline to that median value mean? Do you want to force the line to pass through that value? What are your two variables?
Julio Martín
Julio Martín on 2 Jun 2017
Hi I mean how to show a trendline in a figure, when I plot data Thanks

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