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How to arrange equation variable on right and left hand side?

15 views (last 30 days)
A*k*cos(phi - t*w) + A*c*w*sin(phi - t*w) - A*m*w^2*cos(phi - t*w) == p*cos(t*w)
I have this equation.
I want to get this equation as;
A = .....,
that is arranging all variables and functions to right and A to left.
How can I do it?
  1 Comment
Roger Stafford
Roger Stafford on 22 Jan 2017
This is simple algebra. Factor out A from each of the three terms on the left side and then divide both sides by the remaining factor. That leaves A by itself on the left side.

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Answers (1)

Karan Gill
Karan Gill on 9 May 2017
Edited: Karan Gill on 17 Oct 2017
Starting R2017a, use the "isolate" function:
Also see the "lhs" and "rhs" functions:
Answering the question using these functions:
>> syms A k phi t w c m p
>> eqn = A*k*cos(phi - t*w) + A*c*w*sin(phi - t*w) - A*m*w^2*cos(phi - t*w) == p*cos(t*w)
eqn =
A*k*cos(phi - t*w) + A*c*w*sin(phi - t*w) - A*m*w^2*cos(phi - t*w) == p*cos(t*w)
>> eqn = isolate(eqn,A)
eqn =
A == (p*cos(t*w))/(k*cos(phi - t*w) - m*w^2*cos(phi - t*w) + c*w*sin(phi - t*w))
>> lhs(eqn)
ans =
>> rhs(eqn)
ans =
(p*cos(t*w))/(k*cos(phi - t*w) - m*w^2*cos(phi - t*w) + c*w*sin(phi - t*w)

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