MCR Applications with Python Functions

1 view (last 30 days)
I am having an MCR compatiblity issue with python. When I run my application in native MATLAB (r2015b), I call a python script and it runs as intended. However once this application is compiled, I get the following error:
Undefined variable "py" or class "py.findAllDTSFiles.findAllDTSFiles".
Error in fipFinderPT>loadBinary_Callback (line 2732)
Error in gui_mainfcn (line 95)
Error in fipFinderPT (line 42)
Error in>@(hObject,eventdata)fipFi
Error while evaluating Menu Callback
Is there a different syntax for calling python libraries in MCR applications?

Accepted Answer

Robert Snoeberger
Robert Snoeberger on 23 Jun 2017
You could try the workaround suggested here .
  1 Comment
Peter Cook
Peter Cook on 23 Jun 2017
That seems to work, thank you.
[Since asking the original question] I added a kludgey try-catch block that calls the script from a DOS shell, which also seems to accomplish the task.

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