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How to make Tabs in Matlab GUI without using GUIDE?

1 view (last 30 days)
does someone know how to create Tabs in Matlab GUI without using GUIDE?

Accepted Answer

ES on 27 Jun 2017
fHdl = figure;
objTbGrp = uitabgroup('Parent', fHdl);
objTab = uitab('Parent', objTbGrp, 'Title', 'TAB 1 HEADING');
objTab = uitab('Parent', objTbGrp, 'Title', 'TAB 2 HEADING');
Aleksandar Petrov
Aleksandar Petrov on 27 Jun 2017
do you know how to make references on different guide elements to different tabs. for instance, one push button is placed on the first tab and another push button on the second tab?
Thank you, Aleksandar Petrov
Stephen23 on 27 Jun 2017
@Aleksandar Petrov: allocate the tab handles to an array, and refer to those handles when defining the GUI elements (e.g. using the parent property, or as the first argument of many plotting functions).

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