How do you program the Arduino in Simulink so you can read the sensors via I2C and SPI?

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I'm trying to build a control system in Simulink and then transfer it to an Arduino MEGA. The problem is that the accelerometer I've only communicate via I2C or SPI protocol and I do not know how it builds up in Simulink. I am relatively new to creating my own C \ C + + code in Simulink. Does anyone know how I can solve this problem? I thought on creating a separate block from the library that I have for the sensor that I use when I do programming in Arduinos own software.
Matlab version: 2012a Operating System: Windows 7 Arduino: MEGA Sensor: ADXL345

Answers (4)

Kaustubha Govind
Kaustubha Govind on 17 Apr 2012
If you know how to do this in C using Arduino libraries, you can generate a custom S-function block, using the Legacy Code Tool.

Tim Rothmann
Tim Rothmann on 9 May 2012
how does it work to include some arduino libraries like wire.h for example? i always get some compile errors. can you give me some small example?
Tim Rothmann
Tim Rothmann on 28 May 2012
after spending hours and hours now i'm trying to do the other way and generating C-code from simulink and import it to eclipse.
are there some papers about code generation for atmega?especially to acces inputs and outputs?
Kaustubha Govind
Kaustubha Govind on 29 May 2012
Tim: Not sure what you mean by "to access inputs and outputs" - do you mean accessing sensor/actuator signals? Typically there needs to be a blockset containing blocks corresponding to the various board peripherals that represent the sensors and actuators.

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Zhuo Li
Zhuo Li on 2 May 2013
Edited: Zhuo Li on 2 May 2013
These two links may be helpful to your case
ADLX345 i2c Driver for Arduino Mega
I2C block for ArduinoIO simulink package
  1 Comment
joshua hadi
joshua hadi on 6 May 2013
Hello Zhuo Li, I want to ask about using adxl 345 in simulink, could we divide the x,y,z output reading into the 3 blocks (x,y,z blocks) because i saw your i2c read block only can give 1 output arrow. thanks.

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Mohit Khandelwal
Mohit Khandelwal on 10 Sep 2018
% create an arduino object
a = arduino('com3', 'uno');
% start the loop to blink led for 10 seconds
for i = 1:10
writeDigitalPin(a, 'D11', 1);
writeDigitalPin(a, 'D11', 0);
% end communication with arduino
clear a


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