Remove or set a row to 0 when containing NaNs

1 view (last 30 days)
Hi everyone,
I have an array like this:
tnCT =
3.0070 NaN
18.0067 3.4871
34.0071 4.6240
48.0062 4.9370
138.0044 5.9247
153.0041 6.6163
I want to set to 0 the row that has NaN on it. I have tried the following:
for i = 1:length(tnCT)
if isnan(tnCT(i,:))
tnCT(i,:) = 0;
So I will end with:
tnCT =
0 0
18.0067 3.4871
34.0071 4.6240
48.0062 4.9370
138.0044 5.9247
153.0041 6.6163
Can you please tell me what is wrong with my approach, since it doesn't work? Removing the values also would do the trick (since in the next step I create a nonzeros matrix)

Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 11 Jul 2017
mask = any( isnan(tnCT), 2 ); %find rows with nan
tnCT(mask,:) = []; %delete them

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