I want to divide x and y axis into 12 equal parts using grid lines with coordinates values seen visible in the respective places of x and y-axis
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Hi all,
I want to divide x and y-axis into 12 equal parts with coordinate value seen visible in the 12 parts in x and y-axis using grid lines. I attached my code below,
format long
x = [0.05 0.05155 0.053266 0.055186 0.057362 0.059865 0.062803 0.066341 0.070755 0.076552 0.084804 0.098318 0.121708 0.125774 0.125797];
y = [0.05155 0.053266 0.055186 0.057362 0.059865 0.062803 0.066341 0.070755 0.076552 0.084804 0.098318 0.121708 0.125774 0.125797 0.125797];
scatter(x, y, '*', 'b');
hold all
line (x, y)
plot(x, y, 'r')
grid on
axis([0 0.18 0 0.18])
Accepted Answer
on 27 Jul 2017
Do interpolation using x qith equal 12 parts. Read about interp1.
x = [0.05 0.05155 0.053266 0.055186 0.057362 0.059865 0.062803 0.066341 0.070755 0.076552 0.084804 0.098318 0.121708 0.125774 0.125797];
y = [0.05155 0.053266 0.055186 0.057362 0.059865 0.062803 0.066341 0.070755 0.076552 0.084804 0.098318 0.121708 0.125774 0.125797 0.125797];
% interpolation
xi = linspace(min(x),max(x),12) ;
yi = interp1(x,y,xi) ;
scatter(xi, yi, '*', 'b');
hold all
line (xi, yi)
plot(xi, yi, 'r')
grid on
axis([0 0.18 0 0.18])
on 27 Jul 2017
How it is the same previous plot? In (xi,yi) xi is divided into 12 equal parts....use (x,y) and (xi,yi) in plot and see.....
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