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Converting idl to matlab and error in code

3 views (last 30 days)
Hi, I'm trying to convert IDL codes to matlab, the idea is i have dark images and flat images and i'm trying to select them both for another section of the code
I'm stuck on the idl function known as FLOAT
IDL codes
flatlist = file_search(workdir,'flat*')
nflat = n_elements(flatlist)
darklist = file_search(workdir,'dark*')
ndark = n_elements(darklist)
dark = fltarr(xsize,ysize)
flat = fltarr(xsize,ysize)
for k = 0,ndark-1 do begin
imtemp = read_tiff(darklist(k))
dark = dark+float(imtemp)/ndark
;Average dark images
Matlab version
[darklist,workdir] = uigetfile({'*.jpg;*.tif;*.png;*.gif','All Image Files';...
'*.*','All Files'},'Select the dark image(s)','MultiSelect', 'on');
ndark = numel(darklist);
dark = zeros(ysize,xsize);
flat = zeros(ysize,xsize);
for k = 1:ndark
imtemp = imread(darklist);
imtemp = imread(darklist{k});
dark = dark+double(imtemp)./ndark;
I'm not sure if its double, also i'm getting this error
Error in
imtemp = imread(darklist{k});
help pls

Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 6 Aug 2017
IDL's float(x) call corresponds to real(single(x)) in MATLAB. In the case where the data is known to be real-valued already (which is the case for all images except for some advanced TIFF files, and possibly some dicom files), then that would simplify to just single(x)
"also i'm getting this error"
You would not be having that error if you had used the code I gave you in
The problem is that your files are in some directory other than your current directory. I showed you earlier,
flatlist = fullfile( workdir, {} );
darklist = fullfile( workdir, {} );

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