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help to fix this numeric symbolic array

2 views (last 30 days)
Lisa Lee
Lisa Lee on 9 Aug 2017
Closed: MATLAB Answer Bot on 20 Aug 2021
I need some help with the code below:
scaleFactors = [ 3.4, 2.3;
1.7, 1.9 ]
xMatSym = sym('X',[ 2, 2 ]);
xScaled = xMatSym./scaleFactors;
I am hoping to get the results shown below:
X1_1/3.4 X1_2/2.3
X2_1/1.7 X2_2/1.9
But, instead I am getting the results below instead:
(5*X1_1)/17 (10*X1_2)/23
(10*X2_1)/17 (10*X2_2)/19
I know the reasons it doesn't work. But I don't know how to fix this. Can someone help me?
Thank you so much!
Lisa Lee
Lisa Lee on 12 Aug 2017
Hi, Jan, I am not sure what you mean about "{} code". I think that's for cell array. Mind to show what you mean to me with an example?

Answers (1)

Karan Gill
Karan Gill on 12 Aug 2017
Edited: Karan Gill on 17 Oct 2017
You can't have a "numeric symbolic" array because "numeric" and "symbolic" are different data types. For your options, see
Instead, try the vpa function on your result.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 12 Aug 2017
Note that vpa(xScaled) will get you output such as
[ 0.29411764705882352941176470588235*X1_1, 0.43478260869565217391304347826087*X1_2]
[ 0.58823529411764705882352941176471*X2_1, 0.52631578947368421052631578947368*X2_2]
You can also
>> vpa(xScaled,2)
ans =
[ 0.29*X1_1, 0.43*X1_2]
[ 0.59*X2_1, 0.53*X2_2]
Notice these are multiplications, not divisions, and it does matter for precision purposes how many digits you truncate to.
>> 1000/1.7
ans =
>> 1000*.59
ans =
Karan Gill
Karan Gill on 13 Aug 2017
Yes, I do not recommend using vpa(xScaled,2) to anyone who hasn't carefully read the vpa doc :) Too much potential for confusion.

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