Arduino-Matlab-Servo without shield

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Bharadwaj on 23 Apr 2012
I am working on a project where i need to control 6 RC-servos.I am controlling them using the arduino board.I have downloaded the Arduino IO library to establish communication with arduino. And since i have 6 servos i cant use the shield. so i need a solution to be ablt to control the 6 servo motor from matlab. I did search the internet but i cannot find the solution to the problem. If a solution is already provided i would appreciate it if someone can share the link to the solution or provide a solution thank you .

Answers (2)

Gautam Vallabha
Gautam Vallabha on 30 Apr 2012
Take a look at the MATLAB source code and the accompanying sketch file for Arduino IO Package. You may be able to modify these to give you access to additional pins (as a starting point, see the instructions in README.txt for how to adapt the ArduinoIO Package for the Mega).

Bora Eryilmaz
Bora Eryilmaz on 29 May 2012
The Standard Servo Write block from the new Simulink Support Package for Arduino Uno supports up to 12 RC servos.


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