How could I translate this Python code to Matlab?

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I have this python code that I would like to convert to Matlab code. Could anyone help me understand what is going on and help convert from one language to the other?
The code is as follows:
import random
N = 15
L = 10
sigma = 0.075
n_runs = 800
for runs in range(n_runs):
y = [random.uniform(0.0, L - 2 * N * sigma) for k in range(N)]
print [y[i] + (2 * i + 1) * sigma for 1 in range (N)]|
Much thanks to anyone who can assist me.
Update: I updated the code, if anyone can help, that would be great.
Gaëtan Poirier
Gaëtan Poirier on 26 Oct 2017
Could anyone help with the new code? The distribution is not correct.
Audumbar Dhage
Audumbar Dhage on 29 Apr 2019
I have Python code i want to convert it into matlab

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Accepted Answer

Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov on 26 Oct 2017
Edited: Andrei Bobrov on 26 Oct 2017
N = 15;
L = 10;
sigma = 0.075;
n_configs = 100;
rejections = 0 ;
x = zeros(N,n_configs);
for config = 1:n_configs
while 1
x(:,config) = sort((L-2*sigma)*rand(N,1));
if min(diff(x(:,config))) > 2*sigma
LL = linspace(0,L,N+1)';
x = (L/N - 2*sigma)*rand(N,n_configs) + LL(1:end-1) + sigma;
Gaëtan Poirier
Gaëtan Poirier on 26 Oct 2017
Edited: Gaëtan Poirier on 26 Oct 2017
Thank you so much for the answer! You may recognize this as a solution to the probability distribution to the random clothes-pins on a clothes-line problem (I hope!). However, I'm not getting the distribution I was hoping for. Both outputs are different.

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More Answers (1)

harshi yaduvanshi
harshi yaduvanshi on 6 Apr 2018
i have this question i want to convert this python code to matlab.
import random;
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
def sqrt_sum(a,b): return round(np.sqrt(np.sum((np.array(a)-np.array(b))**2)),5)
def weighted(W,d): return (np.multiply(W,d))
def partition(X,N,L,R,W):
#compute distances
p=[[] for i in range(N)]
for i in range(N):
for j in range(L):
interval_length=(max_d - min_d)/L
#find ranges ranges=[] ranges.append(min_d) #find all ranges for j in range(L): rangej=min_d + interval_length min_d=rangej ranges.append(rangej)
#now put the elements into range intancess
pj=[[] for i in range(L)]
for i in range(N):
for j in range(len(ranges)-1):
if w_dist[i]>=ranges[j] and w_dist[i]<=ranges[j+1]:
return ranges,pj
def Search_phase(X,N,L,R,W,K,Q,ranges,pj): dq=0 knn=[] for j in range(L): d=sqrt_sum(Q,R[j]) dq=dq+weighted(W[j],d) for i in range(len(ranges)-1): if dq>=ranges[i] and dq<=ranges[i+1]: distance=[] for j in range(len(pj[i])): distance.append(float(sqrt_sum(Q,pj[i][j]))) distance=np.asarray(distance) lists=distance.argsort()[:5] for x in lists: knn.append(pj[i][x])
return knn
def fetching_data(): X=pd.read_csv("IRIS(2).csv",header=None) N=len(X) L=4 R = X.sample(L)
return X,N,L,R,W,K,Q
X,N,L,R,W,K,Q=fetching_data() ranges,pj=partition(X,N,L,R,W) KNN=Search_phase(X,N,L,R,W,K,Q,ranges,pj) print("top k-nn are",KNN)

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