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Get selection index for DropDown object using AppDesigner

49 views (last 30 days)
Using AppDesigner, how do I access the selected index of a DropDown menu. The Value is the selected string but I can't find anywhere that indicates the selected index. Instead I seem to have to do:
I = find(strcmp(h.Items,h.Value));
Is this really the suggested approach?

Accepted Answer

Matt J
Matt J on 10 Nov 2017
Edited: Matt J on 10 Nov 2017
The h.Value property has different behavior depending on how h.Items and h.ItemsData are set up. If you define the ItemsData property to be some sequence of numeric indices i=1:N, then h.Value will be the numeric value of i corresponding to the selection.
Erik on 19 Feb 2021
Thanks on the info on how to get access to a running app.
There is no way in my version to enter the ItemData so that it becomes a numerical array. What ever I do in de compent inspector, the end result is the same (see below). And yes the (single) Value is shown in the inspector as numbers under each other while the ItemData is shown as 1,2,3,4
But, like I said, in the 2020b version, this behaviour fortunately changed apparently
>> app.DropDown
ans =
DropDown (Option 1) with properties:
Value: '1 2 3 4'
Items: {'Option 1' 'Option 2' 'Option 3' 'Option 4'}
ItemsData: {'1 2 3 4'}
Editable: 'off'
ValueChangedFcn: ''
Position: [131 192 100 22]

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