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Process all file in a folder by function

1 view (last 30 days)
Hi, i write a function which process a image file : main(filename) where "filename" indicates the image to be process. I would like to process all the images in the folder "tot16", i would use this function <> but not working. I write the function call :
PathRunner('/Users/XXXX/Documents/MATLAB/Thesis' , '/tot16' ,@main , flag , '*.raw' )
where :
  • /Users/XXXX/Documents/MATLAB/Thesis is the directory where is the function @main
  • /tot16 is the directory which contain all image files
Jan on 11 May 2012
Please explain, what "not working" exactly means.
Geppo Batt
Geppo Batt on 11 May 2012
Cell contents reference from a non-cell array object.
Error in cell2mat (line 37)
if isnumeric(c{1}) || ischar(c{1}) || islogical(c{1}) || isstruct(c{1})
Error in PathRunner (line 66)
list_of_files = [list_of_files dir([current_folder
cell2mat(file_type(ft))])]; %file names

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Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 11 May 2012
The file type parameter must be given to the function as a cell array of strings, even when you are only passing in a single file type string.
  1 Comment
Geppo Batt
Geppo Batt on 11 May 2012
Error using fopen
First input must be a file name of type char, or a file identifier of type double.
Error in main (line 14)
fid = fopen(filename,'rb');
Error in PathRunner (line 92)
feval(function_to_run , file_info);

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