Merge a timedate table with a normal table

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Tiago Dias
Tiago Dias on 6 Feb 2018
Commented: Tiago Dias on 8 Feb 2018
Hi, I got a timedate table 5x2 and another table 5x2, and I want to place in 1st column the time date and 2nd and 3rd the rest.
Tablenew = [novo_tempo_laboratorio novo_variavel_laboratorio];
The Tablenew gives me an error because the two types of tables that I want to merge are from different types.
Laboratorio = readtable('Laboratório.xlsx','Sheet','Laboratorio','Range','A1:D3');
save Laboratorio.mat Laboratorio
tempo_processo = Processo{:,1};
variavel_processo = Processo{:,2};
% tempo_laboratorio = Laboratorio{:,1:2:end};
% variavel_laboratorio = Laboratorio{:,2:2:end};
[n,m] = size(Laboratorio);
for j = 1:m/2
for i = 1:length(tempo_processo)
ind_aux = find(Laboratorio{:,2*j-1}==tempo_processo(i,1))
if ~isempty(ind_aux)
novo_tempo_laboratorio(i,j) = tempo_processo(i,1);
novo_variavel_laboratorio(i,j) = Laboratorio(ind_aux,2*j);
else % Não existe registo para o tempo_processo(i)
novo_tempo_laboratorio(i,j) = tempo_processo(i,1);
novo_variavel_laboratorio{i,j} = NaN;
Thanks for your time!
Tiago Dias
Tiago Dias on 8 Feb 2018
Edited: Tiago Dias on 8 Feb 2018
Undefined function or variable 'timetable'.
I saw this example but for me i got an error because it says undefined function or variable
Time = datetime({'2015-12-18';'2015-12-19';'2015-12-20'});
Temp = [37.3;39.1;42.3];
Pressure = [29.4;29.6;30.0];
Precip = [0.1;0.9;0.0];
TT = timetable(Time,Temp,Pressure,Precip);
T = timetable2table(TT)

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Answers (1)

Peter Perkins
Peter Perkins on 6 Feb 2018
You are trying to concatenate a 5x2 datetime array with a 5x2 table. You do not have a timetable and a table. As dpb says, I imagine you want table2timetable, but it's not at all clear what you want to do with two time vectors.
Guillaume on 8 Feb 2018
You're obviously using a version that predates the introduction of timetables, which require at least R2016b.
Tiago Dias
Tiago Dias on 8 Feb 2018
oh ok, will try on the 2016b, thanks for your input

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