Adding rows and column to existing inter dependency matrix

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Hi, how to change the below mentioned 'A' matrix to 'AA' matrix by adding a row and column of 'CR' with the exact values for 'CR' as mention below. For 'CR' all the values in the row from CR to E221 will have 0 and in the column, CR will be zero and E1 to E221 will be 1. I want that string 'CR' also need to be added to the existing headings of E1 to E221 in the row and column wise. I have also attached my code for A matrix and the new AA matrix should be an extension of this code.
nm= cellstr(reshape((string({'E','R','E','S','E','E','E','E','E','E','E','E','E','E','E','E','E','E','E','E','E','E','E','E','SR','SR','SR','SR','SR','SR','SR','SR','SR','SR','SR','SR','SR','SR','SR','SR','SR','SR','SR','SR',}) + ([101,1,106,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20] + (0:4)'))',[],1))
N = zeros(44);
N(2:end,1)= 1
N(3:end,2)= 1
N(4,3)= 1
N(5:end,4)= 1
N(25,5)= 1;N(26,6)= 1;N(27,7)= 1;N(28,8)= 1;N(29,9)= 1;N(30,10)= 1;N(31,11)= 1;N(32,12)= 1;N(33,13)= 1;N(34,14)= 1;N(35,15)= 1;N(36,16)= 1;N(37,17)= 1;N(38,18)= 1;N(39,19)= 1;N(40,20)= 1;N(41,21)= 1;N(42,22)= 1;N(43,23)= 1;N(44,24)= 1;
T= repmat({N1},1,5)
A= [{nan},nm';nm,num2cell(blkdiag(T{:}))]
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 19 Feb 2018
Do you have R2013b or later? If so then have you considered using a table() object with RowNames ?
Santhosh Chandrasekar
Santhosh Chandrasekar on 19 Feb 2018
I have R2017. Can you please tell me how to do it using a table?

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Accepted Answer

Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov on 19 Feb 2018
Edited: Andrei Bobrov on 20 Feb 2018
s = string({'CR';'E';'R';'S';'SR'});
[x,y] = ndgrid(1:20,[2,5]);
str = s([2;3;2;4;y(:)]) + ([101;1;106;1;x(:)] + (0:4));
str = cellstr([s(1),str(:)']);
d = {tril(ones(44,4),-1),diag(ones(20,1),-24)};
d{1}(4:end,3) = 0;
d{2} = d{2}(:,1:end-4);
dd = repmat({[d{:}]},1,5);
dd = [zeros(1,221);[ones(220,1),blkdiag(dd{:})]];
out = [{nan},str;str(:), num2cell(dd) ];
Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov on 20 Feb 2018
Edited: Andrei Bobrov on 20 Feb 2018
I am fixed my answer.
Here we can not use table - duplicate 'variable name'.

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