convert cell into double with diferent cell sizes

2 views (last 30 days)
Hello, for example i have
A = [1,2;2,4;3,NaN;NaN,5;NaN,7]
res = cellfun(@(x) find (~isnan(x)),num2cell(A,1),'un',0) % Here i store in the index of the numbers that are not NaN
res is a 1x2 cell array, the first component is a 3x1 double and the second one is a 4x1 double.
res{1} = 1
res{2} = 1
My question is to do a table or a double, or a matrix that each res{j} is stored in the respective j column of the new table I tried a cell2mat, but since they aren't the same size it doesn't work. the goal is to make
output = 1 1
2 2
3 4
(empty or NaN or whatever) 5
Bob Thompson
Bob Thompson on 2 Mar 2018
Edited: Bob Thompson on 2 Mar 2018
Are you actually trying to get rid of all of the NaN values, or just gather the non-NaN values together? If you're just trying to gather the values try using the following:
A = [1,2;2,4;3,NaN;NaN,5;NaN,7]
res = cellfun(@(x) find (~isnan(x)),num2cell(A,1),'un',0)
locationarray = NaN(size(A)); % Create an array the size of A, but filled with NaN values
for I = 1:size(A,2) % Run index I through each column of A, this should correspond to each cell in res
locationarray(:,I) = res{I}; % Put cell I of res into column I of the location array. Because it's in a for loop it will cover all columns
Tiago Dias
Tiago Dias on 5 Mar 2018
Edited: Tiago Dias on 5 Mar 2018
I want to store the index on NaN values, the way I do I store that in a cell, but I want to store if possible in a double, table or matrix. just that. But my input have values and NaN values numbers.
The code you wrote gets me an error:
Subscripted assigment dimension mismatch
Error in (line 5)
locationarray(:,I) = res{I};
If i use
locationarray = res{I}
It only store in location array the information when I=2, doesnt save for I=1

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Accepted Answer

Jos (10584)
Jos (10584) on 5 Mar 2018
You can my PADCAT function to concatenate vectors with different lengths. It is available at the Matlab File Exchange:
However, there are simpler ways to get the output res, from A:
A = [1,2;2,4;3,NaN;NaN,5;NaN,7]
res = repmat(1:size(A,1),size(A,2),1)' ;
res(isnan(A)) = NaN
res = sort(res)

More Answers (1)

Tiago Dias
Tiago Dias on 5 Mar 2018
Thanks, works perfect! Will try on my big data to see if is good


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