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filling in between two curves with different x values

7 views (last 30 days)
I have a plot
plot(x,y,'r--','LineWidth', 2);
that I want to display with boundaries such that:
plot(x+5,y,'k--','LineWidth', 0.5);
plot(x-5,y,'k--','LineWidth', 0.5);
I want to shade the area in between and have tried:
patch([k-5 k+5], [y y], 'g')
but I can't get it to work.
Thanks for any help.

Accepted Answer

Guillaume on 12 Mar 2018
I would think that
patch([x-5, fliplr(x+5)], [y fliplr(y)], 'g')
should work.
Jason on 12 Mar 2018
Thankyou for reminding me about Mr Hosptial!

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