I want my function to ignore some inputs
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Hello, I made a function called plotgeral that makes plots what I want with the format that I desire.
the 1st line of the function where i declare my outputs and inputs is:
out = plotgeral(Y,Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4,Y5,Xaxis title,Yaxis title,title,legend,legend1,legend2,legend3,legend4,legend5)
Sometimes I want to draw the plot with 6 inputs of data (Y -> Y5), but sometimes I just want the Y and Y1, for example. What should I do in this case? The name of Axis, title and legend are defined by me in the script with ' '.
I tried
out = plotgeral(Y,Y1,[],[],[],[],Xaxis title,Yaxis title,title,legend,legend,[],[],[],[])
but I get an error on the part of the legend, because [] it an invalid argument for the legend.
Thanks for your time.
on 2 May 2018
Edited: Dennis
on 2 May 2018
you can replace legend.... with varargin, this way your function can accept more or fewer input arguments.
But i want to suggest to pass all data as 1 variable or structure instead of naming your variables/legends Y1,Y2,Y3; legend1,legend2. You could add another dimension to Y (Y(:,1), Y(:,2)) and check in your function the size of Y in that dimension (numberofplots=size(Y,2)) and do the same with the legend.
If you are interested in more information why dynamically naming your variables is usually a bad idea i recommend having a look at this post:
function plotgeral(Y,eixoX,eixoY,titulo,legenda)
C = {'k','b','c','g','m','r'};
original = figure();
set(original,'PaperUnits','centimeters','PaperPosition',[0 0 29 21],'PaperOrientation','landscape');
hold on
for ii=1:numberofplots
grid on
ax = gca; % Eixos
ax.XAxis.LineWidth = 1.5;
ax.YAxis.LineWidth = 1.5;
ax.GridLineStyle = '-';
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