For 2 curves, how to have xticks on both the above and below of x-axis?

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Hi all, I plot the attached figure using this code
clear; clc;
x1 = [1 3 5 7];
x2 = [1 2 4 7];
data1 = [1 2 3 4];
data2 = [4 3 2 1];
hAx1 = semilogy(x1, data1, 'b-^');
hold on
hAx2 = semilogy(x2, data2, 'k-v');
I'd like to have x1 on top and x2 on below of the x-axis using xticks, so the figure would show (1 3 5 7) on the below of x-axis with blue numbers and show (1 2 4 7) on the top of the x-axis with black numbers. Such that the 2 curves are differentiated.
Many thanks!

Answers (2)

Akira Agata
Akira Agata on 15 May 2018
The following is one way to do that. Please see the following link for more details.
hAx1 = semilogy(x1, data1, 'b-^');
hold on
hAx2 = semilogy(x2, data2, 'k-v');
ax1 = gca;
ax1.XColor = 'b';
ax1.XTick = [1 3 5 7];
ax2 = axes(...
'Position', ax1.Position,...
'XAxisLocation', 'top',...
'Color', 'none',...
'YTick', [],...
'XLim', [1 7],...
'XTick', [1 2 4 7]);

the cyclist
the cyclist on 14 May 2018
The easiest way to get something close to what you want is to use the yyaxis command. Take a look at the examples there.

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