I am trying to implement an object localization system with MATLAB and Simulink. But simulink is showing the following errors.
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The Simulink model: (function: locateObj with RGB image input):
function [I, bboxes, scores, label] = locateObj(image)
I = image;
[bboxes, scores, label] = detect(objDetect, I);
label = cellstr(label);
I = insertObjectAnnotation(I,'rectangle',bboxes, label);
It is showing the following error:
Here 'objDetect' is a trained fasterRCNN for object detection and is a variable of type : "1x1 fasterRCNNObjectDetector" So I tried to load the variable into the function
function [I, bboxes, scores, label] = locateObj(image)
objDetect= load('objDetector.mat', 'objDetector');
I = image;
[bboxes, scores, label] = detect(objDetect, I);
label = cellstr(label);
I = insertObjectAnnotation(I,'rectangle',bboxes, label);
But I still got an error:
Please help. How do I run the trained object detector on simulink to get the bboxes.
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