Change longitude coordinate convention from 0E-360W to -180E,180W in a NetCDF File
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Hi all,
I have a NetCDF file that plots a global map of the salinity, on top of which I superimpose the coastline coordinates from MATLAB's map toolbox such that I can have a clearer definition of my world map.
However, the MATLAB map has a -180E to 180W longitude convention while the NetCDF map has a 0E to 360W longitude convention. When I try to convert the NetCDF map (which seems like a very simple operation) such that its convention is the same as that of MATLAB (i.e. -180E to 180E), the plot seems to be coming awfully wrong every time.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance for your help.
(below is the code)
%%URL & Display
%Load URL(s)
url = 'https://podaac-' ;
%Display variables
%%Call Variables
time_start = ncreadatt(url, '/', 'time_coverage_start') ;
time_end = ncreadatt(url, '/', 'time_coverage_end') ;
lat = ncread(url, 'lat') ;
lon360 = ncread(url, 'lon') ;
%Convert longitude to 180W - 180E
%First way to do it
lon = rem( (lon360 + 180), 360) - 180 ;
lon_idx = lon > 180 ;
lon(lon_idx) = -lon(lon_idx) + 180 ;
% %Second way to do it
% lon = rem((lon360 + 180), 360) + 180 ;
sal = ncread(url, 'sss_smap') ;
%Prep Data
[LON, LAT] = meshgrid(lon, lat) ;
v = linspace(min(sal(:)), max(sal(:)), 50) ;
fig = figure ;
fig.Position = [ 100 200 1000 500 ] ;
%Plot Data
[~, h] = contourf(LON, LAT, sal', v) ;
h.LineStyle = 'none' ;
hold on
%Plot World Map
load coastlines
c = colorbar ;
grid on
ax = gca ;
ax.GridColor = [1 0 0] ;
c.Label.String = 'Salinity (PSU)' ; %Colorbar Label
title( strcat({'Recorded: '}, {time_start(1:10)}, {' to '}, {time_end(1:10)} ) ) ; %Graph Title
ax.FontSize = 14 ;
Augusto Gabriel da Costa Pereira
on 29 Jun 2022
Edited: Augusto Gabriel da Costa Pereira
on 29 Jun 2022
on 30 Jun 2022
You can add 180 to -180 to +180 or substract 180 from 0 to 360. Won't this work?
Answers (1)
on 6 May 2023
Hi Konstantinos,
I have the same problem and I found this functions that maybe could help you solve the longitud units:
If you want more information I found it at:
I hope its help you and others.
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