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Can A Multicast Sender send to a tag which is dynamically determined from an attribute in the entity which it is sending?

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Can A Multicast Sender send to a tag which is dynamically determined from an attribute in the entity which it is sending?

Answers (3)

Krishna Akella
Krishna Akella on 10 Dec 2018
Hi Elliot,
I don't think thats possible. The alternative would be to use an input switch and route the entity to an appropriate Entity Multicast sender blocks. That should do the trick.
- Krishna

Krishna Akella
Krishna Akella on 11 Dec 2018
Hi Elliot,
I think I don't understand your question well. I have attached a model based on what I understood. Where entity.type is determining the destination of the multicase receiver where it is routed to. If this is not what you mean, can you please elaborate a bit?
- Krishna

Elliott Rachlin
Elliott Rachlin on 11 Dec 2018
What I needed to do is different. Something like this:
Solution #1:
if (Entity.branch==1) TAG = TAG_A
else if (Entity.banch==2) TAG = TAG_B
Solution #2
TAG = Entity.Tag_String

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