How can I voxelize a medium?

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Merisa Saber
Merisa Saber on 26 Oct 2018
Edited: Merisa Saber on 14 Dec 2018
Hello I wrote a code to draw lines in a 3D space. there are a lot of lines in different positions. I want to divide this space to find which line goes through which divsion. or find how many lines go through each division. for example lines are in space with dimension of -10 to 10 mm in x,y and z directions. and every division of space which we call voxel is a cube with 0.1 mm of each dinension. could you help me to write a code to voxelize the space and find the number of lines go through each voxel please?
  1 Comment
dpb on 26 Oct 2018
Way too much presumed knowledge of the problem for anyone else to have a klew of what you're talking about...
Attach some data as a .mat file and show what you would expect the input/output to be for (small) case and how that is known to be the right answer...

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