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Kmeans algorithm for data

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Valerie Cala
Valerie Cala on 8 Nov 2018
Commented: Valerie Cala on 10 Nov 2018
Hi everyone.
I need help, checking internet I found the following code;
in= load('C:\Users\Profesional\Desktop\datos_RBR.txt'); % *174x3 double input parameters*
x= (in-min(in(:))) ./ (max(in(:)))-min(in(:)); %normalize values
N= 4; %number of clusters
iter= 100; %number of iterations
centros= x( ceil(rand(N,1)*size(x,1)) ,:); % ubication of the centers (random)
DAL = zeros(size(x,1),N+2);
CV = '+r+b+c+m+k+yorobocomokoysrsbscsmsksy'; % Color Vector
for n = 1:iter
for i = 1:size(x,1)
for j = 1:N
DAL(i,j) = norm(x(i,:) - centros(j,:)); % Menor distancia
[Distance CN] = min(DAL(i,1:N)); % 1:K are Distance from Cluster Centers 1:K
DAL(i,N+1) = CN; % K+1 etiquetación
DAL(i,N+2) = Distance; % K+2 distancia minima
for i = 1:N
A = (DAL(:,N+1) == i); % Cluster K Points
centros(i,:) = mean(x(A,:)); % media de cada columna para centros
if sum(isnan(centros(:))) ~= 0 %eliminamos posiles valores NAN delete NAN valors
NC = find(isnan(centros(:,1)) == 1); % encontrar centros minimos
for Ind = 1:size(NC,1)
centros(NC(Ind),:) = x(randi(size(x,1)),:);
% Plot
hold on
for i = 1:N
PT = x(DAL(:,N+1) == i,:); % encontrar los puntos de cada neurona // find points
plot(PT(:,1),PT(:,2),CV(2*i-1:2*i),'LineWidth',2); % Plot groups
plot(centros(:,1),centros(:,2),'*k','LineWidth',7); % Plotear centers
hold off
grid on
Well, this one allows me set the number of cluster (groups),number of iterations and clust the input values which is really good, however, I don't know how to view the number of values or points that containes each cluster (group), I would appreciate your help.
I've added two notes one with the code and the other one with the input values (datos_RBR.txt) as well

Accepted Answer

KSSV on 8 Nov 2018
Edited: KSSV on 8 Nov 2018
data = importdata('data.txt') ;
x = data(:,1) ;
y = data(:,2) ;
z = data(:,3) ;
N = 3 ; % number of groups
idx = kmeans(data,N) ; % this gives you indices to which group the points belong
hold on
for i = 1:N

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