simple table (uitable)
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Marcel Langner
on 23 Nov 2018
Commented: Walter Roberson
on 24 Nov 2018
i have got a problem with a simple table.
vMMI2 and vsig are vectors (1x41)
How can i achieve, that the 2 column names are above the two . I want the table to be displayed in the command window
There is no Daten property on the Table class.
This is my code:
%Ausgabe der optimierten Parameterwerte als Tabelle
data = vMMI2', vsig';
colnames = {'Michaelis-Menten mit Substratinhibierung', 'Sigomidale Kinetik'};
disp(uitable(f, 'Daten', data, 'ColumnName', colnames, 'Position', [20 20 260 100]));
Accepted Answer
Walter Roberson
on 23 Nov 2018
uitable is only for graphic use . you should use
table(vMMI2.', vsig.', 'VariableNames', colnames)
Walter Roberson
on 24 Nov 2018
I do not know what role your 'MichaelisMentenKinetik' is intended to play. It was not mentioned in your question. You still appear to have only two columns, so we can figure that your intention is not to add a third column whose every entry is the character vector 'MichaelisMentenKinetik' ?
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