the command "clc" and "clear all" does not work on a script in the editor.

68 views (last 30 days)
The commands "clc" and "clear all" don't work in my script, somentimes yes.
i have matlab 2011 a and b e 2012 a.
khursheed ansari
khursheed ansari on 16 Jan 2018
Click the cursor anywhere in command window then press "Ctlr+C" then use "clc" and "clear all" will work
Steve da Silva Ferreira
Steve da Silva Ferreira on 13 Dec 2020
Hi, Artur, had a similar problem with clc and clear all not working. Realised, that I was in a for , or if statement, so, clc and clear won't work in there. Make sure, that you end those statements, which will return you back to the ( >>) section, you do not want to use clc and clear, where there are no >> ie. Just blank line.
Hope this helps 😁

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Answers (6)

Gkhn Gny
Gkhn Gny on 1 Apr 2017
Edited: Gkhn Gny on 1 Apr 2017
I have the same issue at some scripts, I dont know the reason.
But this is working in every case
  1 Comment
Steven Lord
Steven Lord on 1 Apr 2017
That suggests you've created a variable named clear. While there's a variable named clear in the workspace, you can't call the clear function without some indirect approach like that.

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Greg Heath
Greg Heath on 12 Jul 2012
They are not defined to work in the editor.
They work on the command line and when the corresponding script or function is executed

Artur M. G. Lourenço
Artur M. G. Lourenço on 12 Jul 2012
I found that putting too many comments before or after the command "clc" and "clear all" in the script, they do not work.
It happens to someone?
Artur M. G. Lourenço
Artur M. G. Lourenço on 26 May 2013
Hi guys I do not know why, but I found that when placed at the beginning of a script "clear all" and "clc" using the ANN toolbox (Neural) occurred a bug and the variables in my workspace were not clean, the problem was this. I now use the 2013 and all is well! Thank you all!

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Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 13 Jul 2012
Exactly what is it that you think that "clc" and "clear all" do ?
If someone is requiring that you put in clc and "clear all", such as if you will fail an assignment if you do not put them in, then just go ahead and put in and do not worry about what they do or do not do under any particular circumstances. If someone requires that you put them in, then that person is taking responsibility for any program failure that might result.
If no-one is requiring that you put in clc and "clear all", then eliminate any problems with them by simply not putting them in.
"Doctor, doctor, every time I drink a cup of coffee I get a sharp pain in my nose."
"Have you tried taking the spoon out of the cup?"
Vishnu Keyen
Vishnu Keyen on 6 Oct 2021
Something like this I want
for i = 1:10
fprintf('iterantion %d --> %1.3f\n',i,randn(1));
iterantion 1 --> -0.687 iterantion 2 --> -0.603 iterantion 3 --> -0.800 iterantion 4 --> -0.001 iterantion 5 --> -0.662 iterantion 6 --> -1.583 iterantion 7 --> 1.089 iterantion 8 --> 1.939 iterantion 9 --> 0.490 iterantion 10 --> -1.094
I want to delete the previous display of number and then display the new number only.
But this runs without clearing, so i get 10 lines of printed output, I just want 1
Rik on 6 Oct 2021
@Vishnu Keyen This is a question, not a comment to an answer. Have a read here and here. It will greatly improve your chances of getting an answer.
You have two options:
  1. Use clc (which doesn't work as expected in the web environment, as you can see).
  2. Count the number of characters you printed and print as many backspace characters.

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Artur M. G. Lourenço
Artur M. G. Lourenço on 26 May 2013
I was misunderstood in my question or did poorly.
  1 Comment
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 26 May 2013
I don't think you were misunderstood, but we are having difficulty believing it. Unless, that is, you had the "clear all" within a script that was being invoked from something else: if that is what is happening then it wouldn't surprise us at all that you had the problem.

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Greg Heath
Greg Heath on 26 May 2013
Why are you using the answer box for your questions and comments?
Just so you can accept your own question as the correct answer?
Since my answer was the first correct one, YOU OWE ME!
Jan on 26 May 2013
@Eng_Amb: Who is niguem? I do not see the anything in this thread, which implies a Matlab bug. Your problem has not become clear to me yet and the opinion, that there is a connection to the number of comments before and after the the command is obviously wrong.
Artur M. G. Lourenço
Artur M. G. Lourenço on 27 May 2013
sorry "ninguem" is anybody. So I will try to explain as best as possible. When I write a code in the editor I put "Clear all" and "clc" to clear the variables in the workspace and something written in the command window. When put many comments in my code, simply "Clear all" and "clc" did not work. I do not know why. I used the ANN toolbox. I used the 2012 version, but now I have to 2013 and everything is working normally. I will give you my code for you to open and test if you have matlab 2012.
Is solved now, thank you all for the help.

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