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setting two legend for two function

6 views (last 30 days)
Moslem Uddin
Moslem Uddin on 9 Jan 2019
Edited: Luna on 12 Jan 2019
Please help me in setting two legend for two functions in the attached code.

Accepted Answer

Luna on 9 Jan 2019
Edited: Luna on 9 Jan 2019
You can try this below, it is a little bit tricky to add legend to axis handle as parent. Then add other legend.
See my comments in green below:
syms y
p=.965; m1=.28;b=[2 5 7];c=0.7;
q=.585e-3; m2=.0125; x=pi/4; h1=10; h2=5;
%for i=1:length(b)
%y = 0:0.5:10;
hfig = figure;
for i=1:length(b)
hPlotf(i)= fplot(f,y,[0,h1]); % hPlot is handle of function plot f
hold on;
%y = 10:0.5:15;
hPlotf1(i) = fplot(f1,y,[h1,15]); % hPlot is handle of function plot f1
hold on;
a=axes('position',get(gca,'position'),'visible','off'); % a is the current axis handle
hLf = legend(a,hPlotf,'b = 2','b = 5','b=7','Location','SouthWest'); %hLf - legend handle for f
text(a, hLf.Position(1)-0.1,hLf.Position(2)+0.02,'f'); % adding text for f according to hLf position
hLf1 = legend(hPlotf1,'b = 2','b = 5','b=7','Location','NorthWest'); %hLf1 - legend handle for f1
text(a, hLf1.Position(1)-0.1,hLf1.Position(2)+0.02,'f1'); % adding text for f1 according to hLf1 position
xlabel('y','FontSize', 20);
ylabel('u_2','FontSize', 20);
Luna on 11 Jan 2019
Which version of Matlab you are using?
Luna on 11 Jan 2019
Edited: Luna on 12 Jan 2019
OK now I understand it is because the axis we are trying to put labels is not currently focused axis handle object.
Move xlabel and ylabel lines right below the end of the for loop as follows, then it will fix your problem.
hPlotf1(i) = fplot(f1,y,[h1,15]); % hPlot is handle of function plot f1
hold on;
xlabel('y','FontSize', 20);
ylabel('u_2','FontSize', 20);
Please accept answer if it is working :)

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