changing the format of a cell matrix

3 views (last 30 days)
Dear all,
I have this cell matrix 'data', where as you can see below the element for example 8:00:06 is the hour-minute-second.
ans =
3×1 cell array
{'01 8:00:06 29.0000 1000'}
{'01 8:00:06 29.1000 200'}
{'01 8:02:08 29.0700 1000'}
Now I want to convert the above matrix to the folowing format
01 8 00 06 29.000 1000
01 8 00 06 29.1000 200
01 8 02 08 29.0700 1000
Is there any way to do that in matlab? Can I have a sample code?
Many thanks

Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 29 Jan 2019
cell2mat(cellfun(@(S) sscanf(S, '%f %f:%f:%f %f %f').',data,'uniform', 0))

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