How to convert captured frames from webcam into avi format with 20fps.
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I've tried a lot of things but got some error in anyway. Can you please guide me through?
Accepted Answer
on 6 Feb 2019
Edited: YT
on 6 Feb 2019
Well you stated that you've tried a lot of things, but you didn't provide any code with it so that's not really helpfull. I suggest taking a look at how to acquire images from your webcam and after that it should not be that hard to create a video using VideoWriter. Hint: create a for-loop/while statement to continuously capture images from your webcam.
on 6 Feb 2019
Well I suggest to use VideoWriter instead of movie2avi because according to the release notes it was removed after R2016b. If you still insist on using movie2avi, please read itsdocumentation. There's an example given and explanation on how to set the framerate.
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