Solving simultaneous time-dependent matrix equations
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I am attempting to solve a set of time-dependent equations which involve matrices. I have tried to use both ode45 and ode15 which both work for equations with one-dimensional variables; as follows:
% Defining constants
A_a = 7.7790;
g1_1 = 0.0019;
g2_1 = 0.0021;
ga_1 = 0.1862;
Hv1 = 2.375;
Hv2 = 2.375;
H1 = 3.9;
CE = 0.82;
Astar1 = 0.9282;
Astar2 = 1.1602;
tspan = [0 9];
Q0 = zeros(3,1);
[t,Q] = ode45(@(t,Q) fun4(t,Q,A_a,g1_1,g2_1,Hv1,Hv2,ga_1,H1,CE,Astar1,Astar2), tspan, Q0)
plot(t,Q(:,1),'-o',t,Q(:,2), '.-')
function dQdt = fun4(t,Q,A_a,g1_1,g2_1,Hv1,Hv2,ga_1,H1,CE,Astar1,Astar2)
dQdt = zeros(3,1);
dQdt(1) = (Astar1^2)*((g1_1*Hv1 + ga_1*(H1 + CE))-((Q(3)^2)/A_a^2));
dQdt(2) = (Astar2^2)*((g2_1*Hv2 + ga_1*(CE))-((Q(3)^2)/A_a^2));
dQdt(3) = Q(1) + Q(2);
This solves the equation as expected. However when the constants g1_1, g2_1, and ga_1 each become a 1-by-2 matrix, I tried using a similar function (given below), however, it will not solve the code. Is there a way to use matrices in differential equations?
% Defining constants
A_a = 7.7790;
g1_1 = [0.0019 0.0076]
g2_1 = [0.0021 0.0083]
ga_1 = [0.1862 0.3725]
Hv1 = 2.375;
Hv2 = 2.375;
H1 = 3.9;
CE = 0.82;
Astar1 = 0.9282;
Astar2 = 1.1602;
tspan = [0 9];
Q0 = zeros(3,2);
[t,Q] = ode45(@(t,Q) fun4(t,Q,A_a,g1_1,g2_1,Hv1,Hv2,ga_1,H1,CE,Astar1,Astar2), tspan, Q0)%, options)
plot(t,Q(:,1),'-o',t,Q(:,2), '.-')
function dQdt = fun4(t,Q,A_a,g1_1,g2_1,Hv1,Hv2,ga_1,H1,CE,Astar1,Astar2)
dQdt = zeros(3,2);
dQdt(1) = (Astar1^2)*((g1_1*Hv1 + ga_1*(H1 + CE))-((Q(3)^2)/A_a^2));
dQdt(2) = (Astar2^2)*((g2_1*Hv2 + ga_1*(CE))-((Q(3)^2)/A_a^2));
dQdt(3) = Q(1) + Q(2);
Accepted Answer
on 19 Feb 2019
Edited: Stephan
on 19 Feb 2019
% Defining constants
A_a = 7.7790;
g1_1 = [0.0019 0.0076]
g2_1 = [0.0021 0.0083]
ga_1 = [0.1862 0.3725]
Hv1 = 2.375;
Hv2 = 2.375;
H1 = 3.9;
CE = 0.82;
Astar1 = 0.9282;
Astar2 = 1.1602;
tspan = [0 9];
Q0 = zeros(3,2);
[t,Q] = ode45(@(t,Q) fun4(t,Q,A_a,g1_1,g2_1,Hv1,Hv2,ga_1,H1,CE,Astar1,Astar2), tspan, Q0)%, options)
plot(t,Q(:,1),'-o',t,Q(:,2), '.-')
function dQdt = fun4(t,Q,A_a,g1_1,g2_1,Hv1,Hv2,ga_1,H1,CE,Astar1,Astar2)
dQdt = zeros(6,1);
dQdt(1:2) = (Astar1^2)*((g1_1*Hv1 + ga_1*(H1 + CE))-((Q(3)^2)/A_a^2));
dQdt(3:4) = (Astar2^2)*((g2_1*Hv2 + ga_1*(CE))-((Q(3)^2)/A_a^2));
dQdt(5:6) = Q(1) + Q(2);
You need to look if the plot has to be changed, since the solution Q now has 6 columns. One way would be:
plot(t,Q(:,1),'-o',t,Q(:,2), '.-')
plot(t,Q(:,3),'-o',t,Q(:,4), '.-')
plot(t,Q(:,5),'-o',t,Q(:,6), '.-')
Also im not sure about the last line in the function - maybe:
dQdt(5:6) = Q(1:2) + Q(3:4);
Best regards
on 19 Feb 2019
Edited: Stephan
on 19 Feb 2019
your function as you wrote it will give as many answers for Q1 as g1_1 has elements, because it follows the rules of linear algebra. You add and multiply scalar values to a 1x2 vector, which always results in a 1x2 vector.
If i understood you correctly, you should combine the previous time dependent calculation of the factors with the calculation of Q in one common function to get what you want.
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