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Plotting data from .csv file

71 views (last 30 days)
Pierre on 30 Apr 2019
I'm trying to find the solution since few days, but without results. I would like to plot my collected data from an accelerometer. There are 4 header lines and I want to plot the first four columns (which are timestamp, x, y and z axis). I tried several solutions found on internet but they didn't work for me.
Thank you for your help.
(MATLAB R2018b)
Bob Thompson
Bob Thompson on 30 Apr 2019
How exactly are you looking to organize your plots? Do you want x, y, and z individually against time? 3D contours? Gonna need more information before we can give a more detailed answer.
Here is a sample of how you should be able to load and create a 2D plot.
data = csvread('mydatafile.csv',4); % Read the data
plot(data(:,1),data(:,2)) % Plot x vs time
If there are other things you are stuck with, please expand with more specifics.
Pierre on 30 Apr 2019
Yes exactly, I would like x, y, z individually against time, in 2D. Something like the attached image. You can also find the csv file attached.
Thank you for you answer.

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Accepted Answer

KSSV on 30 Apr 2019
data = csvread('mydatafile.csv',4); % Read the data
t = data(:,1) ;
x = data(:,2) ;
y = data(:,3) ;
z = data(:,4) ;
Ratih Widiastuti
Ratih Widiastuti on 16 Mar 2020
Hi. I tried those script, but I didn't work. My csv file contain data and text. I can import successfully the csv file with the following script:
But It is hard to plot the data. I want time as x axis and temperature, humidity, wind velocity or solar radiation as y axis. I also attached the error command and my csv file.
Can you help me please?
Thank you
KSSV on 16 Mar 2020
You should use csvread to read the csv file. Also read about xlsread, readtable.

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More Answers (1)

Junior Jules Francois
Junior Jules Francois on 1 Oct 2021


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