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How to save a 3D surface plot in 2D view in vector image format?

48 views (last 30 days)
I try to save it as eps file, but matlab default setting save it as bitmap instead of vector format (it doesn't happen for 2D plot). I then go to Export Setup > Rendering > tick Custom renderer with painter (vector format), but it gives me the contour plot under 3D surface plot. I have tried to use surf() instead, but it gives me a blank graph. I think MatLab saves the XY plane without projection of Z values, instead of the figure in 2D view. Does anyone have an alternative solution? Thanks!

Accepted Answer

Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong on 18 Jul 2019
Edited: Eric Sargent on 20 Dec 2023
Update: Starting in R2020a you can use the exportgraphics function to export to .eps.
(Original answer prior to R2020a):
Try this
% Make contour-plot on top of the surface

More Answers (1)

Jakob on 18 Jul 2019
Edited: Jakob on 18 Jul 2019
There is a very popular function over at the File Exchange: export_fig which deals with correctly exporting figures from Matlab. Maybe this can help you!
Ang Feng
Ang Feng on 10 May 2020
from R2020a, Matlab allows you export vector graphics by using the exportgraphics function
Chockalingam Senthilnathan
Worked like a charm for vectorising my 2D view of a surface plot thank you

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