How to change a certain array cell depending on its length
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I currently have this very simple code:
if strlength(A) >= 250
A = [];
My objective is for every cell that A has which is larger than 250 characters, make that specific array row 0.
e.g. ( The 12th row of array A has more than 250 characters in it, thus it should become 0 after the code runs)
However, my problem is that the program just skips over the if statement as if it's false when in reality I have characters which go beyond 250.
I tried implementing the cellfun into this as well just in case every row of the array isn't being checked.
if cellfun(@strlength, A)>=250
A = [];
but still the same problem.
I know the if statement isn't false because upon running just
strlength(A) >= 250
I have a whole list of 0's (which corespond to characters under 250) and some 1's (which are those above 250)
Accepted Answer
Adam Danz
on 19 Sep 2019
Edited: Adam Danz
on 19 Sep 2019
If 'A' is a cell array of character vectors and you'd like to replace cells that have a length greater than 250 with an empty char array,
A(strlength(A)>250) = {''};
For string arrays (ie, ["abc", "def", "ghi" ...],
A(strlength(A)>250) = "";
Adam Danz
on 19 Sep 2019
If A is a cell array of paths and you're trying to eliminate the paths and keep the filenames, this would be a better approach:
[~,filenames] = cellfun(@fileparts,A,'UniformOutput',false)
More Answers (1)
Fabio Freschi
on 19 Sep 2019
Edited: Fabio Freschi
on 19 Sep 2019
mask = strlength(A) > 250;
A(mask) = cellfun(@(i) '', A(mask), 'uniform', 0);
using a strategy similar to the solution used here
See Also
Find more on Characters and Strings in Help Center and File Exchange
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