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Masking an array back to a selected region in a Matrix

1 view (last 30 days)
I have a column vector which I need to insert back to the a matrix(Attached in .mat file). The variable region has logicals in the places where I want to put the data given by variable name vdisp_selected. Is there an efficient way of achieving this by masking?
I tried to play around with masking based on region but I am getting a square region in the end.
Fabio Freschi
Fabio Freschi on 23 Sep 2019
region is 304x640 (double), vdisp_selected is 16472x1 (logical). How vdisp_selected is related to region?
waqas on 23 Sep 2019
Its the otherway around. 'region' is a 304x640 (logical) while vdisp_selected(16472x1) is a double. 'region' has (16742x1) ones and the locations where I have 1, I want to put the data of vdisp_selected.
I initially used the 'region' to extract data from another matrix and now want to insert updated data back to the same locations.

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Accepted Answer

Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov on 23 Sep 2019
out = double(region);
out(region) = vdisp_selected;

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