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Find the number of a row in a matrix that have a minimum value compare to another specific row

3 views (last 30 days)
Hello every body
I have a matrix A, I need to find the minimum of row 3 and 4 (for example) on the first column. And I finaly want my code returns the number of the row within the first matrix,
I write this but I got 1 as an output while I want 3.
A=[0 28;28 0;9 26;29 21;10 32;3 26];
[mindistedge,next]=min(A([3 4],1));
Since the minimum of line 3 and 4 is 9 and it is on the third row. But I got the below answer:
mindistedge =
next =
How can I edit my code to get next=3?
Thanks a lot

Accepted Answer

Stephen23 on 24 Sep 2019
>> A = [0,28;28,0;9,26;29,21;10,32;3,26]
A =
0 28
28 0
9 26
29 21
10 32
3 26
>> vec = [3,4];
>> [~,idx] = min(A(vec,1));
>> vec(idx)
ans = 3

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